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Eurotransit-DSS2016 #Street dancers

El colectivo artístico Sra Polaroiska (Alaitz Arenzana y María Ibarretxe) realiza un taller de danza en Plovdiv (Bulgaria) con jóvenes de etnia gitana para preparar conjuntamente un espectáculo de danza que se presenta en el centro de la ciudad.  A partir de la relación que se establece entre los participantes y las artistas se perfila la precaria situación de los romaníes en Bulgaria. “Los bailarines de la calle” es un documental sobre como la danza, de cómo las artes y la cultura, son un antídoto contra los prejuicios, la exclusión social o el miedo a la diferencia.

What is DSS2016 project ?

Europa Transit travelling embassy travelled to ten European cities that are or have been witness to wars or conflict. On behalf of the Lighthouse of Peace and the mission to spread the values of empathy and mutual understanding, Europa Transit visited Ceuta, Belfast, Dresden, Wroclaw, Sarajevo, Moscow, Paphos, Plovdiv, Pristina and Thessaloniki. The embassy began its journey in January 2016, on a bus. At each destination, the Europa Transit team, led by filmmaker Xuban Intxausti, shot a documentary combining a journalistic account of the conflict with a cultural approach. These productions were broadcasted during the year of the European Capital of Culture on Basque public television ETB. They are all available to any channels and platforms that request them.

Eurotransit-DSS2016 #Street dancers

El colectivo artístico Sra Polaroiska (Alaitz Arenzana y María Ibarretxe) realiza un taller de danza en Plovdiv (Bulgaria) con jóvenes de etnia gitana para preparar conjuntamente un espectáculo de danza que se presenta en el centro de la ciudad.  A partir de la relación que se establece entre los participantes y las artistas se perfila la precaria situación de los romaníes en Bulgaria. “Los bailarines de la calle” es un documental sobre como la danza, de cómo las artes y la cultura, son un antídoto contra los prejuicios, la exclusión social o el miedo a la diferencia.

What is DSS2016 project ?

Europa Transit travelling embassy travelled to ten European cities that are or have been witness to wars or conflict. On behalf of the Lighthouse of Peace and the mission to spread the values of empathy and mutual understanding, Europa Transit visited Ceuta, Belfast, Dresden, Wroclaw, Sarajevo, Moscow, Paphos, Plovdiv, Pristina and Thessaloniki. The embassy began its journey in January 2016, on a bus. At each destination, the Europa Transit team, led by filmmaker Xuban Intxausti, shot a documentary combining a journalistic account of the conflict with a cultural approach. These productions were broadcasted during the year of the European Capital of Culture on Basque public television ETB. They are all available to any channels and platforms that request them.